The Perfect Day™ Bouquet by FTD® extends warmth and sunlit cheer through the beauty of roses and Oriental lilies to wish your special recipient a day like none other! Pink roses, white Oriental lilies, pale pink spray roses, plum mini carnations and lush greens are brought together in a designer etched clear glass vase to create an incredible flower arrangement intended to make them feel special and loved.
Indulge in a symphony of scents and beauty with our Oriental Lilies, Pink Roses & Carnations bouquet. Immerse yourself in the captivating fragrance of oriental lilies, complemented by the tender charm of pink roses and the timeless elegance of carnations. This enchanting floral arrangement is a celebration of grace and sophistication, perfect for conveying love, admiration, or best wishes. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion, this exquisite bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. Elevate your moments with the finest blooms, meticulously arranged and delivered fresh to your doorstep.
GOOD bouquet includes 8 stems.
Approximately 12"H x 12"W.
BETTER bouquet includes 13 stems.
Approximately 13"H x 13"W.
BEST bouquet includes 16 stems.
Approximately 14"H x 14"W>
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.