36 Long-Stemmed Red Roses
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Experience the epitome of luxury with 36 radiant red roses, thoughtfully sourced from Ecuador's finest flower fields. Embrace the enchanting allure of these long-stemmed blooms, symbolizing love and admiration in their purest form. Elevate any momentous celebration or heartfelt gesture with these premium roses, meticulously selected for their breathtaking beauty and lasting freshness. Surprise your loved one with an extraordinary bouquet of three dozen long stemmed red roses, delivered in the same day to express your deepest emotions.
Delivered in a flared glass vase.
Approximately 31 1/2" W x 32" H
This item is hand-arranged and delivered by our florist.
All prices in U.S. Dollars.

36 Long-Stemmed Red Roses


As Shown


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Houston Pasadena Houston Katy