Enchanted Cottage - White & Lavender Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

'Enchanted Cottage,' let the beauty of this white & lavender flower bouquet captivate your senses. Let this charming bouquet transport you to a world of elegance and grace. With free same day delivery in Houston, you can experience the magic of 'Enchanted Cottage' without delay. As enchanting as coming across a hidden cottage in the countryside! Lush white roses and purple stock mix with delicate lavender waxflower and green pitta negra for an elegant English garden look.
Presented in a classic clear glass vase with purple satin ribbon.
Approximately 14 1/2" W x 16 1/2" H
This item is hand-arranged and delivered by Floral Concepts
All prices in U.S. Dollars.

Enchanted Cottage - White & Lavender Bouquet


As Shown


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Houston Pasadena Houston Katy