Teleflora's Festive Sleigh Tree Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Tree Floral Arrangement in Houston

Introducing the "Festive Sleigh" - Your Whimsical Christmas Tree Flower Arrangement in Houston!

Add a touch of holiday enchantment to your home with Floral Concepts' delightful "Festive Sleigh." This charming mini-Christmas tree floral arrangement, nestled in an adorable miniature sleigh vase, is the perfect way to infuse your space with the magic of the season.

Why choose "Festive Sleigh" from Floral Concepts?

Free Same Day Delivery: We're here to make your holidays brighter! Enjoy free same-day delivery within Houston.
Unique and Adorable: Our "Festive Sleigh" combines the charm of a Christmas tree with the elegance of fresh blooms, making it a one-of-a-kind decoration.
Perfect for Gifting: Looking for a thoughtful gift? This petite Christmas tree arrangement is sure to warm the hearts of your loved ones.
Whether you're looking to spruce up your own décor or surprise someone special, the "Festive Sleigh" is a delightful choice. Spread the holiday cheer with this whimsical tree floral arrangement, exclusively from Floral Concepts in Houston. Order now to bring the joy of Christmas into your home!

Teleflora's Festive Sleigh Tree Bouquet


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Houston Pasadena Houston Katy