Love Medley - Pink & Red Rose Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Pink & Red Rose Bouquet in Houston/h2>

Embrace the romance and tenderness of a stunning bouquet of pink & red roses. These captivating blooms intertwine the passionate allure of red roses with the gentle charm of pink roses, creating a symphony of love and affection. Whether it's a declaration of love, a heartfelt gesture, or a celebration of cherished moments, this exquisite floral arrangement conveys emotions with grace and elegance.
The stylish bouquet features large red and pink roses accented with smaller spray roses in shades of red and pink. Delicate green Oregonia and pittosporum add a fresh contrast.
The flowers are delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
Approximately 10 1/2" W x 11" H
This item is hand-arranged and delivered by our florist.
All prices in U.S. Dollars.

Love Medley - Pink & Red Rose Bouquet



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Houston Pasadena Houston Katy